wor•ship n. reverent honor paid to God

Mapleview Worship

Worship on Sundays

Sunday worship is when we gather as a church to praise God, together. We sing songs, pray, hear from scripture, and receive teaching.  Kids and adults worship together, and a children's sermon is often included. We often take time to share and pray with one another. Many of our services can be heard in the web player, below.

Worship through music

Our worship singing is led by our praise team, comprising pianos, guitars, drums, and singers. However, the most important part is the congregation, lifting up our voices together. We love to mix old and new hymns, and modern praise songs.

Teaching in worship
Teaching at Mapleview is always practical and bible-based. Recent series preached by Pastor Greg include:
  • Spiritual Disciplines
  • Book of Lamentations
  • Neighboring
  • How to be a Christian Friend
  • Book of Hosea: Redeeming Love

Listen to a recent sermon: